Why am I doing this?

Thursday, December 27, 2007

So I am off this week and Dillon and I have hit the town! We have had a lot of fun. Kinda makes me think I could do this all the time. The only problem is I spend too much money. Granted, right now I have some Christmas money to spend so I am not killing the back account. The bummer is Jason has had to work all week. He thought he might be able to take some time off, but has not. He is a dedicated employee which is great, but too bad the powers that be do not recognize it or even see it.

Anyway, looking forward to a low key New Year's Eve, like always. Not that it is not OK. It is nice not to have to fight the crowds everywhere.


At 4:24 PM, Blogger bonnie said...

Glad you have the week off. I think it really makes a difference in my energy level and attitude!!


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