Why am I doing this?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

What weekend?

So, I got home from Portland Wednesday late. Worked at home Thursday. Worked half a day Friday. Hello, do I get time off for my trip?

Saturday, we did a whole lot of nothing. I went shopping while Dillon napped - didn't find too much. That night we went to a little get together to watch clips from the ToM. It was fun - good company. Dillon and Lucy played. It was fun to watch.

I went and rode with Kelly this morning after church. We have been going to Memorial Baptist. I like it so far and Dillon loves the kids area. Kelly and I rode around town and found all the hills. It was short, challenging and fun. Later, I took Dillon to the pool while Jason went to the grocery store. I am sad to say it is back to work already! I could use another day or two.

I think we are going to have a garage sale here in a few weeks. We'll see how that goes.


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