Why am I doing this?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Jason got a tooth pulled on Friday morning and has not been the same since. He is going back today to get it packed again. He had not been sleeping and has not been able to eat too much. The pain meds are not touching the pain.

So since it rained Saturday, I decided to start painting my kitchen cabinets - FINALLY. I have been talking about it for what, a year now? Maybe longer. I got the tops done except for the doors. I hope to finish the doors this week and move on the the bottom ones next weekend.

All in all, I got a whole bunch done this weekend despite the fact that Jason was out of commission. I made really good potato soup last night! It was a new recipe and it rocked!

On another note, I went to McDonald's Friday to get Jason a milkshake. A older guy named Rich waited on me. He was a little slow. He started to talk to me about the internet and I was listened when a manager interrupted and told him to take another order. They were not that busy. I think there was one person waiting in line. Rich stopped talking mid sentence and started taking the next order. I was at a loss for what to do. I thanked him for trying to talk to me, got my stuff and left. I tried to look at this many different ways. Maybe the manager has had to tell him this a thousand times. What if I was in line behind this - would I be annoyed that they were talking? I can see Rich doing this a lot, but the manager could have handled it differently. It just is another example of how poorly we treat each other.

Treat someone nice today.


At 5:31 PM, Blogger RockDoc said...

I peed on someone...does that count as being nice, or being mean?

At 7:07 PM, Blogger Alicia said...

Guess it depends on what you are in to...


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