Why am I doing this?

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I am scared to say it...

Igot to sleep last night. I fed Dillon about 9:15 pm, got him into bed at 10:15 pm and he did not wake up till 4:15 am. I did not sleep the entire time - I worried about him because he was sleeping so sound. I say I am scared to say it because every time I report something like this the next night is really bad. We will see...

I finally finished the paper for my summer class. I had to take an incomplete because I was put into the hospital. Now I get to wait for the grade.

Jason went back to work today after having his shoulder surgery. I hope he starts feeling better soon. It is hard for him to hold Dillon and I know he hates that. He has been so good to me and Dillon this entire time. I am glad he is my husband. (I have been a pickle to him lately and he somehow survives it!)

Ok, more pictures!! See how he likes to sleep? Arms up! BTW: Congrats to Jeff and Andrea in KC. They had a little girl on Wednesday. How cool...sharing a b-day with Brittney Spears' son!! ;-)


At 12:13 PM, Blogger Prozenberger said...

You seem to be obsessed with pickles...you have mentioned them in your last 2 posts. Anything we need to know about?


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