Why am I doing this?

Monday, June 27, 2005

Ate up and such...

Well it is official, I am ate up! This weekend did me in. Heaven forbid I would listen to my husband when he told me to stay at the house and not sit out in the 1 million degree heat for hours to watch a bunch of guys in spandex race their bikes. (I guess his bull-headedness has worn off on me.) Actually, I have had such a good pregnancy (knock on wood) that I still feel like I can do normal activities I am used to. Not the case. Please learn from my mistakes if you are expecting. Take it easy and pamper yourself. Which brings me to my next rant. Besides my husband and few select others, most people I know are not too considerate of the fact that I am pregnant. I know it all comes back to me - I am extremely thoughtful and considerate (most of the time) so I expect the same from others and we all know that does not happen.

Just to totally publicize this, I got the most beautiful ring from my husband for my birthday. Sometime I will figure out how to put a picture of it up and show you all. It rocks!!! It is honestly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen - it fits who I am to a tee. Thank you baby!!

It is suppose to be hot again this week. I will most likely become a recluse. Enjoy!!


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