Why am I doing this?

Thursday, June 28, 2007


I am bored. Not that I need any drama in my life - I kinda like boring in that sense. I guess I need a change of scenery or something. Maybe I need a vacation, or need to paint. Maybe I just need to change up my routine a bit. Hmmm....

Dillon has been a poop head the past couple of days. Today, I know it was because he did not get to go outside and play. I hate not getting outside too. I guess we should have played in the rain - at least the rain is warm.

Not too much else going on. Funny, I really try and enjoy life and it is interesting to see people's reaction when you are trying to do this. I try not to take things too seriously and I think it really makes some people mad. Very interesting to me...

If you don't watch Family Guy - You should! The first part of this clip is hilarious. Jason and I have been talking this way for days! Good times!


At 11:36 AM, Blogger bonnie said...

I know about the 'bored'. I am on vacation and still kinda bored. But I'm not doing anything to make it really exciting.
Happy Friday!


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